Item View

In this view you edit the details of a task item or a next action item, which offers all fields of the task item plus some more. With "Close" you exit the window with saving your changes, with "Discard changes" you leave it without saving.

Task item

In this view you can edit

A task/action  is of type business or personal. You can change this type in a root task, the subtasks and subordinate next actions inherit this.

 You can schedule the task / action

OrgYou has no month/week/day overview of the calendar entries, because the calendar app of your phone has good views for this, and they contain the entries of OrgYou. If you change the values of an calendar entry using the calendar app, the changes are reflected in OrgYou (changes on subject, description, date, time, and alarm) - since version 1.1.0.

If you want to import a calendar entry into OrgYou (since version 1.1.0)


Next action item

The difference between a task and a next action is explained here.

The view of a next action item contains all the fields of a task item and contains further

- the context in which the action can be executed

- a reference to a person
If present, it is first shown in a non editable single line, you can switch to separate editable fields by menu.

By menu you can either search the addressbook of your mobile phone to select somebody, or fade in editable fields to type name and phone number of the person. And if there is a phone number, you can initiate a phone call or send a SMS from within OrgYou. The text of the SMS is initialized with the subject and the description of the actual action item.

If a reference to a person is present, the context is always this person, you cannot choose an other context. In the contexts view you see all next actions concerning this person sorted together.

If you need to add subtasks to a next action, you must change the type of it to task item. In this case the additional informations for a next action gets lost (context, reference to a person).
